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Oxytocin And The Influence Of Touch On Relationship Satisfaction And Happiness Don t miss out

Written by Dr Love Sep 21, 2020 · 5 min read
 Oxytocin And The Influence Of Touch On Relationship Satisfaction And Happiness  Don t miss out

Relationship oxytocin therapy

Table of Contents

Oxytocin and the influence of touch on relationship satisfaction and happiness are interconnected in ways that may surprise you. Whether it’s the gentle brushing of someone’s arm, a warm embrace, or a simple touch on the shoulder, there are few things that can quite compare to the power of touch.

The Importance of Touch in Relationships

Human beings innately crave connection and touch is one of the most important forms of connection there is. Without touch, we are left feeling disconnected and disengaged from those around us, leading to decreased relationship satisfaction and an overall sense of unhappiness.

This is where Oxytocin comes in, sometimes referred to as the “love hormone.” This hormone is produced in the hypothalamus and is stimulated by various forms of touch, including holding hands, embracing, and sexual activity. In addition to facilitating feelings of connection and bonding, Oxytocin also has the power to decrease feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression.

Oxytocin and Connection

So what exactly is the target of Oxytocin and the influence of touch on relationship satisfaction and happiness? Simply put, it’s all about increasing feelings of connection and intimacy with others. This hormone has been shown to play a major role in romantic relationships, but it’s also present in familial bonds, friendships, and even interactions with strangers.

Oxytocin is also important in the development of trust between individuals. When we interact with someone who has high levels of Oxytocin, we tend to feel more trusting towards them. This can lead to greater feelings of safety and security within a relationship and an increased willingness to be vulnerable with our partners.

Research on Oxytocin and Touch

Research has shown that Oxytocin plays a major role in the development and maintenance of relationships. A study published in the journal, “Psychoneuroendocrinology,” found that couples who engaged in more affectionate touch had higher levels of Oxytocin and reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction, intimacy, and happiness.

Another study found that Oxytocin can actually be used as a treatment for relationship distress. Couples who were given doses of Oxytocin reported feeling more positive about their relationships and showed decreased levels of stress when interacting with their partners.

Oxytocin and Touch in the Age of Social Distancing

With the recent Covid-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing, many people are experiencing a lack of physical touch, leading to increased feelings of loneliness and disconnection. However, there are still ways to facilitate feelings of connection and intimacy even while maintaining a physical distance.

For example, technology can be used to facilitate virtual touch, such as a digital hug or holding hands through a computer screen. Additionally, non-physical forms of touch, such as verbal affirmations and acts of service, can also promote feelings of connection and intimacy within a relationship.

Tips for Increasing Physical Touch in a Relationship

If you’re looking to increase physical touch within your relationship, there are several simple tips you can follow:

  • Hold hands whenever possible
  • Try giving your partner a massage or foot rub
  • Make physical touch a priority throughout the day, not just in romantic settings
  • Be open to new forms of touch, such as cuddling or hugging while watching a movie
  • Remember that physical touch can be non-sexual and still lead to increased feelings of connection and intimacy

Question and Answer

Q: Can Oxytocin be produced without physical touch?

A: Yes, Oxytocin can be produced through various forms of positive social interaction, including eye contact, social bonding, and verbal affirmations.

Q: Are there any negative side effects of Oxytocin?

A: While Oxytocin is generally considered safe and beneficial, there may be some negative side effects associated with excessive Oxytocin production, including anxiety, water retention, and decreased sex drive.

Q: How long does the effects of Oxytocin last?

A: The effects of Oxytocin can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the individual and the circumstances surrounding its release.

Q: Can Oxytocin be used to treat mental health disorders?

A: While more research is needed, preliminary studies have suggested that Oxytocin may be helpful in treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, and autism.

Conclusion of Oxytocin and the Influence of Touch on Relationship Satisfaction and Happiness

The connection between Oxytocin and touch is a powerful one, with the potential to increase feelings of connection and intimacy within relationships. Whether it’s holding hands, giving a massage, or simply making it a priority to touch your partner throughout the day, physical touch can help facilitate a deeper and more meaningful connection with those around us.

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