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Great Oxytocin And The Role Of Touch In Promoting Emotional Well being And Security In Relationships of the decade Check it out now

Written by Keka Love Feb 10, 2020 · 6 min read
Great Oxytocin And The Role Of Touch In Promoting Emotional Well being And Security In Relationships of the decade Check it out now

Oxytocin hormone neurotransmitter

Table of Contents

Have you ever wondered why a warm, loving embrace from a partner or a friend can make all your troubles disappear? Perhaps you simply crave staying in bed all day cuddled up with your significant other. As it turns out, the power of touch goes beyond just relieving stress and making us feel good. Research has revealed that a hormone called Oxytocin is responsible for both our physical and emotional attachment to others, providing us with a sense of security and well-being in our relationships.

Without even realizing it, we all crave the comfort of human touch. However, it’s easy to overlook the importance of physical contact in our over-digitized world. When we fail to receive enough touch, such as a handshake or a hug, it can leave us feeling disconnected and alone. This can lead to negative impacts on mental health, causing us to feel anxious or depressed. Lack of touch can even lead to physical health problems such as insomnia and high blood pressure. Therefore, it is essential that we recognize the importance and benefits of touch and incorporate it into our everyday lives.

Target of Oxytocin and touch when promoting emotional well-being and security in relationships

When discussing Oxytocin and touch, it is important to understand why it is necessary for our overall well-being. Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the brain which is responsible for sparking feelings of trust, relaxation, and social bonding. As a result, the hormone helps us develop and maintain healthy relationships, from romantic partnerships to friendships. When we touch or are touched, our brains release Oxytocin, which can help us feel safer, more connected and cared for.

To reap the therapeutic benefits of touch, we should have physical interactions with our loved ones more frequently. Even something as simple as holding hands, hugging or rubbing a loved one’s back can boost Oxytocin levels, resulting in stronger emotional attachment and sense of security in our relationships.

Oxytocin and touch: Healing effects on mental health

Psychological studies have demonstrated that touch is essential when it comes to emotional intimacy, and Oxytocin plays a major role in this process. When our body releases this hormone, it has a calming and healing effect, slowing down both our heart rate and blood pressure. Due to this effect, touch can have a beneficial impact on mental health, easing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, battling chronic stress, and helping to improve our emotional lives.

Healthy relationships and Oxytocin

Maintaining healthy relationships requires a balance of emotional, verbal and physical connections. Expressing love, appreciation and understanding through touch can help us develop a stronger emotional footprint in our relationships, leading to a more supportive and meaningful bond. Additionally, increased oxytocin levels can activate brain pathways responsible for stress management, which can help strengthen our ability to deal with challenging situations and manage anxiety, depression, and mental illnesses.

The Power of Oxytocin in Romantic Relationships

In romantic relationships, oxytocin release can be particularly powerful, allowing couples to feel connected, satisfied and find a deeper sense of intimacy. Couples who engage in frequent physical touch and closeness, such as hugging or holding hands, tend to have stronger, healthier and more stable relationships. Therefore, it is more important than ever that we ensure we maintain physical closeness with our significant others, particularly in today’s world when we are all bombarded with technology-driven distractions.

How can Oxytocin and touch improve our daily lives?

The Oxytocin hormone and its positive impacts on our emotional and physical health ensure that touch makes us feel good, connected and valued. In order to reap these benefits, we must strive to touch and be touched regularly, inviting acts of physical affection in our lives. Some of these acts could be as simple as:

  • Placing your hand on your loved one’s shoulder when they’re upset
  • Hugging your partner tightly, and holding onto them for longer than usual
  • Praising a friend with a pat on the back

Even in long distance relationships, virtual touch activities can have their benefits, like sending emojis or love messages or videos to our loved ones via phone or social media.

Question and Answer

Q: Is touch essential in parenting?

A: Absolutely! A parent’s physical touch fosters a sense of warmth and comfort, as well as strengthens their bond with their children. Touch helps children in their physical and cognitive development, and helps them grow into emotionally secure adults. Babies and young children who experience frequent physical contact, such as cuddling, hugging, or being held by a parent, are also more likely to develop more robust immune systems.

Q: Can pets provide the same sense of comfort as humans do?

A: Yes, when you pet or cuddle with your pet, your body produces oxytocin levels, which helps in relaxing and calming. In fact, studies have shown that pets, particularly cats and dogs, have positive impacts on mental health, from reducing stress and anxiety to boosting happiness.

Q: Can touch help in reducing aggression and violence?

A: Yes, touch has indicated positive outcomes in reducing aggressive behaviors, increasing compassion and empathy in people prone to violence, and decreasing domestic abuse. The act of touch can instill feelings of stability, safety, and dependability, allowing those involved to feel more at ease with each other.

Q: Can touch help in increasing productivity in the workplace?

A: Yes, interestingly, touch can indeed play a vital role in promoting better work relationships and boosting productivity. For example, brief touch interactions with coworkers, such as high-fives or fist bumps, increase positive social support, decreased cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and increased job satisfaction.

Conclusion of Oxytocin and the Role of Touch in Promoting Emotional Well-Being and Security in Relationships

Oxytocin and physical touch go hand in hand in promoting emotional well-being and security. Whether we are aiming to strengthen our relationships, health, or well-being, touch provides a powerful tool to assist us in achieving our goals. The integration of touch activities into our everyday can help us enhance our emotional and physical health, as well as help us develop healthier and more meaningful relationships with those we hold dear.

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