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Amazing The Effect Of Oxytocin And Touch On Relationship Intimacy And Passion of all time Learn more here

Written by Love Jun Dec 23, 2020 · 5 min read
Amazing The Effect Of Oxytocin And Touch On Relationship Intimacy And Passion of all time Learn more here

5 ways to unleash the love hormone oxytocin love kiss hug holding

Table of Contents

The Effect of Oxytocin and Touch on Relationship Intimacy and Passion


Have you ever wondered how touch can create an intimate connection between two people? Touch has a powerful impact on the human body, especially when it comes to oxytocin. The hormone oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” is responsible for regulating social bonding, trust, and intimacy. In this article, we will explore the effects of oxytocin and touch on relationship intimacy and passion.

Pain Points

Intimacy issues plague many relationships, leading to distress, miscommunication, and insecurities. Couples may struggle with expressing their feelings or connecting with each other, especially after a long period of time has passed. The lack of physical touch can exacerbate these issues as it diminishes the production of oxytocin. In turn, this can lead to a decrease in emotional bonding and satisfaction.

Answering the Target

The answer to the question of how oxytocin and touch affect relationship intimacy and passion is simple. Touch is a powerful tool that can be used to create bonding, release oxytocin, and accentuate emotional connection between partners. Oxytocin release through touch encourages feelings of closeness, trust and increases overall well-being which in turn leads to enhanced passion in the relationship.


In conclusion, oxytocin and touch have a significant effect on relationship intimacy and passion. Touch has been proven to release oxytocin, a hormone that enhances emotional bonding and increases feelings of trust and closeness. It is a key component of intimacy between partners and can increase satisfaction and passion in a relationship. The next sections of this post will delve deeper into the topic of the effect of oxytocin and touch on relationship intimacy and passion.

The Effect of Oxytocin and Touch on Relationship Intimacy and Passion: Personal Experience

As a newlywed, I have learned that touch plays an integral part in maintaining a happy and healthy relationship. It is essential to take time to connect with your partner physically by holding hands, hugging or cuddling on a regular basis. Physical touch has helped us to grow closer and develop a deeper understanding of each other’s needs, likes and desires. It enhances the bond and creates a sacred place where we both feel safe, loved, and comfortable. By doing this, we have created an environment of trust and rapport. This has enhanced intimacy and passion in our relationship.


The Effect of Oxytocin and Touch on Relationship Intimacy and Passion: Science

According to research, physical touch releases oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin promotes the feeling of pleasure and helps create bonding and trust between two people. Touch also enhances the feeling of safety and comfort, creating a nurturing environment that allows partners to open up emotionally. Furthermore, increased levels of oxytocin within a relationship increase motivation to exhibit empathy, in turn creating stronger bonds and improving long-term romantic relationships.


The Role of Touch in Increasing Relationship Intimacy and Passion: Types of Touch

Touch comes in a variety of forms and each of them has a unique effect on relationship intimacy and passion. Some types of touch include holding hands, hugging, cuddling, kissing, and sexual intimacy. All such touch contributes to the release of oxytocin to some degree. However, the intensity of the effect varies, with sexual and romantic touch tending to have the greatest effect on oxytocin release.

Ways to Unleash the Love Hormone

The Power of Non-Sexual Touch on Relationship Intimacy and Passion

Non-sexual touch is an important aspect of relationship intimacy that often gets overlooked. Simple affectionate touches, like holding hands or hugging, can create a sense of shared experience, ultimately enhancing and strengthening the relationship, with the added benefit of releasing oxytocin. Non-sexual touch makes the other person feel safe, loved and cared for, which enhances feelings of trust and emotional connection.

Non-Sexual Ways to Build Intimacy in a Relationship

Question and Answer

Q: Can oxytocin be released without touch?

A: While physical touch is the most effective way to release oxytocin, the hormone can also be released through other means. One way to achieve this is through shared experiences such as laughing, exercising, or even playing games together.

Q: Can touch help relationships that are experiencing problems?

A: Touch has been found to be beneficial in relationships in distress, as it promotes empathy and understanding. Regular touching, especially non-sexual touches, can help couples rebuild broken lines of communication and bolster emotional bonds.

Q: Is physical touch always necessary for boosting oxytocin?

A: No. Even imagining physical touch can create an increase in oxytocin levels. Activities like reading romance novels or watching romantic movies can also have the same effect.

Q: Can individuals who experience trauma benefit from touch?

A: For some people, especially those who have experienced trauma, touch can be incredibly powerful in building resilience and reducing stress levels. It promotes healing by delivering a sense of safety and comfort. When approached with care and respect, touch can be used in a therapeutic way to build intimacy and connection between partners.


The effect of oxytocin and touch on relationship intimacy and passion is significant. Oxytocin release through touch enhances bonding, creates feelings of trust and closeness, and ultimately improves satisfaction and passion in a relationship. Despite being overlooked, nontouch affectionate interactions such as hugs and holding hands can still trigger oxytocin release, lead to emotional bonding, and create meaningful connections.

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